Need a business coach to help you release the fear and recognise your potential?
Get personal advice and ultimate support with my 1-1 coaching
Wish you had someone to take you by the hand and show you the way to get results in your business without the stress and burnout? We all need a little help sometimes, and it’s exhausting trying to find the answers on your own. Building a business in the fitness industry can be overwhelming to say the least.
Just like in personal training – some people thrive in small groups, and others, like you, prefer the 1-1 time to ask all the questions and dig deep without an audience. My customised 1-1 coaching is designed to address and work with your weaknesses and embrace your strengths.
With coaches packed into commercial gyms, private facilities popping up everywhere, online services and influencers hitting the feeds of many consumers, it’s hard to find your own path to take. You want to create a business that’s genuinely yours and also make it profitable.
This life is a ride!
But it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming and brutal one.
I’ve been right where you are, walking the floor in a commercial gym, hoping to build a sustainable business. Wishing you knew how to expand it into something more than the gym floor grind.
I’ll show you how do it and find your inner power.
How does 1-1 coaching work?
My one on one clients go deep with me. Over six months we’ll work closely together. I’ll meet with you once a week to discuss the topics you need to work on.
You’ll gain full access to all the systems and procedures I’ve built. Plus, you reap the benefits of the success I’ve had and lessons I’ve learnt along the way.
We navigate real time challenges as they arise and can pivot from week to week depending on the needs of the business along with your desired outcomes.
When we work together in this program we start building from the very foundations of your business, examining what’s working, what’s not and then start building. Stripping the business down to the bare ground helps us understand where we are and set meaningful and realistic goals of where you want to be in the short, mid and long term.
Ready to team up with me?
Even coaches need a coach to help them excel.
Sure, you know how to coach others so you should be able to get your life sorted, right? Um, no. Knowing the tools and tricks to train our clients isn’t what gets results. It’s having an outside perspective. Like how you’re able to step back and troubleshoot why your client’s squat is breaking down when she can’t see it herself. That’s what I do for you, except in your business. I help you identify what’s stopping you from reaching your maximum potential.
I’ll help you get out of your own head and move from stuck to action. I’ve been through the exact struggles you have right now. I know how frustrating and crushing it feels. It’s hard to see your shit when you’re deep in it.
Our mind is the most powerful muscle. Every desired outcome is first an initial thought. Our mind has the power to make or break us, and our business.
Plus, having me keep you accountable means you won’t consider slacking off. I’ll be watching you, cheering you on, but expecting nothing but your best effort.
Is 1:1 coaching the best option for me?
Having me as your sidekick is an awesome way to launch your fitness career. But you won’t be trailing along behind me while I hit the targets for you. You need to commit to going full tilt after your goals and I’ll be there handing you water, towels and snacks along the way.
If you want me as your coach, you must be willing to get stuck right in.
Coaching is for you if:
You want someone to guide you through every step.
You’re ready to dedicate a large chunk of your time and energy to your goals.
You won’t let trials or triumphs throw you off track (yes, even our wins can make us stop trying).
Coaching is not for you if:
You’re not ready to face your weaknesses.
You want a coach to do all the work for you.
You want to whinge about not reaching your goals, but you don’t want to try changing.
So, if you’re excited, your blood’s pumping and you’re waiting for the starting gun to go off, you’re ready.

frequently asked questions
Each training block runs for six months. You might team up with me for the first six months and then feel ready to go it alone. Or you might decide you need some more guidance and keep working with me. It’s entirely up to you.
You get one booked session with me each week plus you’ll need to factor in some time for the work I set you. The women who see the most growth choose to make a little time for the work every day.
Before committing to 1:1 Coaching, we’ll spend some time getting to know each other. First, we’ll chat together to see if we’re a good fit. Then, I’ll take you through a road mapping session to identify your struggles and we’ll plan how our six months together will look.
I’ve known for a few years that I wanted to be strength coach. It’s been a dream of mine for a long time and my long term vision has always been very clear. What wasn’t clear, was my pathway there. So I asked Ro for some help.
In 4 months, Ro has completely changed my life. She was my missing link and once we started working together, everything started to fall in to place.
I think a common misunderstanding amongst fitness pro's is that they have to slug it out and burn out if they want to be successful in the industry. Ro has taught me that this can be done on my own terms without having to work 70+ hour weeks just to get by.
I’m living my dream, building it every day and Ro has been there beside me every step of the way. She is so much more than a mentor and I’ve grown so much as a person throughout the process which I was not expecting.
Ro has changed my life. I've gone from being a person who was unhappy, uninspired, unfulfilled and listless to being someone who has clear direction and purpose in life. I know what I'm building and I know how to get there. I've never been prouder of myself or more fulfilled in my work and my family will reap the benefits for decades (hopefully generations) to come.
I have a long way to go, but there’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll get there and I’ll be a better human when I do and that’s all thanks to Ro. I’ll never be able to express my appreciation for everything she’s given me.
Terri Arnold
Arnold Strength
Where do I even start..
I’ve been running my business for 18 months. For the first 16 months of that I signed 10 clients and made around 20k. Not knowing how to continue to grow my business I got full time work and just had a few remaining clients.
Coming into 2020 I wanted to give it another crack and become self sustainable from my business. In February 2020 I stepped back from my full time job into a part time role and began coaching with Ro.
When we started I had decided to do a group coaching program and it had 7 days till it started - she asked how many people there were in it… there was 1 out of the 6 I wanted.
We sat down and brain stormed every possibility and lead I had and I was sent off with an action plan. Within 36 hours it had sold out.
So for the more tangible stuff:
Income from my business -
Jan 20: $96.37
Feb 20: $3893
March 20: $7986
I have been the curator of my business and what it looks like, but with the support and guidance from Ro I have achieved, not only a new level of self belief but income I thought wouldn’t happen for a long time.
I’ve already paid back my investment in this coaching within a month. And I am now fully reliant on my business.
I could go on all day but if you want to see real, tangible results, with the support from someone who 100% believes in you and your mission then you can’t go wrong with Ro. Thank you for literally everything you have done
Caitlin Hosking
Complete by Caitlin
Ro's taught me to embrace my uniqueness, prove to myself what I'm capable of achieving and to dig deep into both my personal and business goals, values, thoughts and feelings. I've become much more confident in myself and my business, I speak from the heart and limit caring about what others think, and it's so fucking liberating.
I love how real and passionate Ro is about business in the fitness industry. Ro isn't shy of giving us a kick up the butt when we need it, but she also knows when it's time to pull back, think logically and relax when we overdo it.
So much has changed in just 3 months. Without Ro, I genuinely wouldn't have put myself out there on both social media and the real world as much as I have. I have completely rebranded my business, which resulted in me gaining clients with similar values to me. My dream has been to work as an online coach so I can travel / explore the world as a young female in my early 20s. I am now around the corner from transitioning my coaching business to online, and living 100m from the beach in a dream apartment.
I recommend this (Power Program) to women that are passionate about their job in the fitness industry and wants to excel as a business owner. They must be prepared to work on their business independently too!