The most important thing that you can do for your clients right now is to make them feel safe to work out.
Your number one priority should always be the health and well-being of your clients, your staff, and your family. A regular fitness routine is so important to help keep our community physically and mentally healthy!
With so many things out of our control, as business-owners we need to focus on the things that we CAN control.
Here are some ways that we can make our clients’ experience at the gym the best it can possibly be:
Sanitise, sanitise, sanitise! Make sure that you are being as diligent as possible with your cleaning routine. Whenever you get a spare moment, give your space and any equipment a good clean. Also try and maximise ventilation as much as possible!
Educate your clients. Don’t assume that everyone you train with knows the current rules. You might think that you sound like a broken record, but putting up signs, posters and templates for your clients sends a clear message that you are committed to keeping them safe.
Lead by example. You can’t expect your clients to wear a mask on the gym floor if you’re not doing it yourself! Remember to always do the right thing. Social distancing, you might have heard of her? Keep your clients and staff a safe distance apart from one another. This not only helps to reduce the risk of passing on the virus, but also helps to put everyone at ease so that they can focus on their workout.
Encourage unwell clients to stay home. The last thing you want to do is to have to close your gym, or have to isolate yourself. Reassuring clients that they won’t incur a financial penalty for choosing to stay home if they feel unwell not only keeps everyone on the floor safe, it also ensures your client’s loyalty. Clients who feel unsure about working out in public are far more likely to choose a gym or trainer who prioritises their health over profit.
Post on social media. The first place that your clients will go to see whether you’re following a Covid safe plan is Instagram. Create a post outlining the requirements for clients to enter your facility or book in a session with you, like wearing a mask, checking-in and staying home if they feel unwell.
Offer livestream classes. Whether you invested in a fancy camera in 2020 or you’re simply going live on Facebook, now is the perfect time to be offering virtual training options to your clients. They are more likely to continue to train with you if they know that they have the option to train from home when necessary.
I want to see all my queens continue to smash both their fitness and business goals in a safe and healthy environment! That’s why I’ve adapted my Power Program to teach coaches how to handle the challenges that Covid continues to throw us.
We’ll cover how to adapt to density restrictions, lockdowns and online service offerings. I want to help you to be as confident as possible to tackle any challenge that might come your way.
The pandemic doesn’t look like it’s going away, but neither are we!